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CelliMax CHO Z Medium

Cat. No.: CPDP044 (Liquid)

Cat. No.: CPDP045 (Powder)

CelliMax CHO Z Medium is a protein-free chemically defined (CD) basal medium supporting high density suspension culture of various CHO cells (CHO-K1, CHOZN, CHO-S, etc.). The medium is optimized specially for the metabolic characteristics of CHOZN® cells.

Product feature

    ●  ADCF (animal derived component free)

    ●  Main components as Amino Acids, Vitamins, Lipids, Inorganic Salts, Metals

    ●  Without Protein (Insulin, Cytokines or Growth Factors, etc.)

    ●  Without Hydrolysate

    ●  Without Phenol Red, Polypeptide, Hypoxanthine, Thymidine

    ●  Without L-Glutamine

    ●  Glucose concentration in CelliMax® CHO Z Medium is 5.6g/L

      Proteins can be added according to customer requirements

Technical data

    ●  The figures show CHOZN cell culture in CelliMax CHO Z Medium, fed with 4.0% (v/v) CelliMax CHO FB and 0.4% (v/v) CelliMax CHO FD media on day 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.

    ●  EX-CELL® Advanced CHO basal medium is selected as the control, and 4.0% (v/v) Cellboost 7a and 0.4% (v/v) Cellboost 7b media are added on day 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.

Order information
Name Cat.No. Package Specification State Type
CelliMax CHO Z Medium CPDP045 10L/100L Powder Basal Medium
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